About Us

We are here to

Help you Heal

Most grieving children do not need a ‘bereavement expert’ they just need people who care. We help children and young people, parents, and families, to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies.
Working with children having chronic medical conditions and having lost some of them, we realised the lack of support for bereaved families in India.
Hence, we have created this website and support group with the content from Childbereavement UK. This website is purely done out of good will to help families and not for financial / personal benefits.

Rebuilding Lives Together

What to expect

Support Information

We have complied information from well known Bereavement support organisations across the world applicable to individuals in process of bereavement and people in their everyday lives. We are also in the process of improving this content to help you in a better way.

Online Support Groups

We recognise the importance of having someone to hear you out. Hence we have created a moderated private forum to provide you with a safe space to share you. We are also coming up a pan India Directory of professionals qualified to help you heal better. 

Get Involved

Shishuviyog is a volunteer initiative to help young individuals and families with bereavement. Currently this is open for Professionals & individuals who have come to terms with bereavement
Reach out to us to know how you can be support this initiative.

Our Reach

Currently Building a Network across India

We currently have a database of Trained Professionals across India. This is a Non-Profit, Volunteer initiative started by Dr. Akhila Vasanth to help families & children she used to come across at her workplace and many more like them across India. 

Our Core Team of Volunteers

Meet Our Team


Paediatric Nephrology

DR. Manjula B

Psychiatric Social Worker


Child Psychiatrist


Consultant Psychiatrist

For Content

Special Thanks to