Grief may not feel normal but it is. Everyone will grieve in their own way. You may experience all sorts of feelings or you may feel nothing. You may find it easy to talk or you might bottle all of your emotions up.
‘A massive bundle of different emotions and intense feelings. Feeling sad and missing somebody. Love happens and people die in your family. Someone who has lost someone and they can’t get over it. You cry over someone dying. You cry then you stop. Then you cry, then you stop.’– Member
Whatever you feel is how you feel. You may experience a mixture of feelings all at once. It helps if you can learn to recognise your feelings.

You may feel……

Guilt and Regret.

Grief  also has physical effects: You could go off your food or even find it becomes tasteless. You may find it hard to sleep, and as a result, become tired and irritable, especially when trying to concentrate at school or work.

Whether the death was expected or not when someone close to you dies, you suddenly have a lot of difficult emotions to deal with. The most important thing to remember about grief is that it can affect different people in different ways, and all these feelings are normal.