One of the most frequent questions asked by adults caring for grieving children and young people is ‘How can I help and what can I do?’Every child is unique and will cope with the death of someone important in their own way. There is no magic formula, but we hope that this information sheet will help you better understand what it is that grieving children need. It has been written with input from children and young people we work with and based on their real experiences.

How can I help and what can I do?
How truthful should I be?
The word ‘dead’ feels very harsh, should I use it?
They keep asking me questions, how should l answer them?
Will they need any time off school and if so, how much?
How can I help my child to express their feelings?
I feel very sorry for my son but he is behaving badly, should I discipline him?
For how long will they grieve?
Is it okay for my children to see me upset?
Sometimes it can help for the child to talk to someone who is not emotionally involved
Will it help them to see a psychologist?
Looking after yourself is essential