Resilience is the ability to adapt to difficult or stressful events in our lives.

We often talk about children being resilient and somehow believe they bounce back more readily than adults just because they are children. But a child’s resilience has a lot to do with their self-esteem –how they feel about themselves, what they know they have and can rely on, and what they can do well. Building resilience is especially important for bereaved children. Nothing can take away the sadness when someone important to them dies. However we can support children to feel good about themselves and help them to find ways to manage the worries and uncertainties that come with this huge change in their life.

Ways to help build resilience:

Reassure children
Give children clear, consistent and honest messages
Keep to routines if possible:
Encourage them to express thoughts and feelings
Involve children and encourage their input
Involve other people who support your child
Praise and encourage children
Understand that bereavement affects what children can cope with
Encourage hopes for the future
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