This information sheet offers guidance when someone may have died by suicide. It covers ideas for what to tell children and young people, how they might feel and respond, and what might help to support them.It may not be clear that the person has died by suicide, or the official cause may be given as something else, such as an accident or an open verdict. In this sheet, we use the term ‘bereavement by suicide’ as many of the same issues and feelings may apply when the cause of death is not clear but it may have been suicide.There is no right way to grieve or to respond when someone may have died by suicide.This information is based on what we learn from bereaved families and professionals. Everyone’s situation and response is different, and you can use whatever information here is helpful or relevant.

In the first few days: support and information
Telling children
Explaining how the person died
Explaining the word ‘suicide’
Why is grieving more difficult for young people after a suicide?
Police, procedures and press
Ways to support children and young people after the event and over time
What else may help children and young people?•
Supporting young people
Further help and support